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Soul Trio

Female trio composition

Soul Trio is a female trio ensemble which I lead. My vision and that of my bandmates is to create original music that takes inspiration from various musical sources: jazz, traditional folk music and classical music. Alongside the original instrumental compositions (in which I refer to my voice as a musical instrument), we sing and play classics in Hebrew, English, Ladino and Italian, and even return to our quarry, classical music. 

Soul trio Ofri Eliaz
The show can be adapted to private homes, clubs and halls according to the circumstances.
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In the performance 
Soul 2 Soul

We want to show the audience the power of female musicians on stage.
Israel is a melting pot for different cultures. The music that the trio creates is also a mirror to eclectic life in the Middle East.

Ofri Eliaz – Vocals, Guitar, Keyboard, Recorder, Percussion
Tatiana Sandler – Cello, Kamanche, Double bass 
Yanna Eshel Ashuel – keyboards


An example of some of the segments in the show:
Adio Kerida; Hallelujah; Autmn Leaves; Yesterday; Concerto de Aranjuez; Morenica; Light; Hachnisini Tachat Knafech, as well as Original compositions.

Ofri Eliaz

Ofri Eliaz

Phone: 050-7992285

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