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Voice Technique

With Ofri Eliaz

I am a personal voice teacher, working in accordance with the unique method of the late Joan Kobin R.I.P in Manhattan. Joan taught Liza Minnelli, Carly Simon and many additional Broadway stars. Everyone has the right to sing and express themselves and have their voice heard. Realizing one's vocal potential naturally - brings quick results in the field.

Voice technique lessons
"If you can walk — you can dance; If you can talk—you can sing."
(African proverb)
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  • Studies and academia
    I am a psychotherapist and a graduate of the School of Psychotherapy in the bi-national program of the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem ( 2024 ) I have a BFA in Jazz Performance from Mannes School of Music, The New School University, N.Y.C., N.Y., U.S.A., MA in Music Therapy from NYU in Manhattan.
  • Stage and music
    1 During my studies, I performed all over the United States with a show of Ladino and Israeli songs. 2 In 2003 I returned to Israel and released my first album in Ladino: "She Came Out of the Sea Ya salio de la mar" produced by Shai Bahar. The album received excellent reviews. 3 In Makor Rishon newspaper, the CD entered the category of the ten best CD's of 2005. 4 I performed with the band Albina of singer Ishtar and the band Los Ninos De Sara. 5 In 2018, my second album ( the first in Hebrew) was released under the musical production of Amit Sadras. Most of the materials in the album are my own writing. 6 When I returned to Israel in 2003, I received an "Outstanding Artist" grant from the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption.
  • Voice Technique
    1 I teach voice technique lessons privately and in groups according to the approach of the late Joan Kobin R.I.P in Manhattan – the teacher of Liza Minnelli, Carly Simon and many other Broadway stars. 2 I taught voice technique lessons at the Yad Harif Conservatory (2004-2008) and at the Atid Conservatory of the David Raziel Youth Village in Herzliya (2014-2015).
  • Music therapy
    1 I taught at Bar-Ilan University’s branch in Jerusalem and at Levinsky College in Tel Aviv in the departments of the Masters Degree in Music Therapy . The course I taught was "The Voice as a Therapeutic Tool" which I created (2013-2018). 2 I have been practicing music and voice therapy since 2003: specializing in Professor Diane Austin's Vocal Psychotherapy method with which I studied in Manhattan as well as Paul Newham's method of voice and movement therapy. 3 Member of the Israeli Association for Creative and Expressive Therapy: YHAT since 2004.

Common questions

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Avi Gazit

Highly recommend Ofri. Deeply grateful for the lessons you have led me in, for your endless patience, empathy and encouragement. Also for the depth of the lessons that helped me breathe correctly and for the tools I received from you that allowed me to find the courage to start singing. Thank you!.

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Tips for singing in times of stress:

 Tips for Better Health in Performing: 

1 Practice light physical activities such as yoga a few hours before the event. 
2 Meditate and stay focused before going on stage.Reduce consumption of dairy products and sodas.
3 Eat light and nutritious food on the day of the show - fruits, vegetables and proteins.
4 Drink plenty of water, keep the area moist.

 What the message is: 

 Another advantage of knowing the song well is the ability to concentrate on conveying the message. This way you can communicate with the audience on completely different levels, not just by singing in a technically correct way.

Knowledge of the song

Singing is controlled by muscles. If we studied the piece in a meticulous way, our body created a "muscular memory" and will be able in moments of stress; to take charge and lead us to the right place for singing, a place that we have created in the past while we are relaxed.         


When excited, correct breathing is impaired. Adrenaline flows to the blood and causes the heart to beat faster, also causing us to take faster, quicker breaths. It is important to breathe deeply before going on stage – inhaling for 8 seconds, holding the air in the lungs  for 8 seconds, then exhaling for 8 seconds.

Ofri Eliaz voice development lessons

Shall we start singing?

Phone: 050-7992285

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