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the voice

With Ofri Eliaz

For individuals, groups and teams in organizations and companies.
The workshop time ranges from an hour and a half to five hours, according to the needs of the people who order the workshop.
A practical experience in which we will learn to speak and sing at ease without getting hoarse. Correct use of voice and breathing. 

Keeping the Voice workshop with Ofri Eliaz
" If you can walk, you can dance; If you can talk, you can sing "
(African proverb)
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About the workshop

Is your voice your livelihood and do you talk a lot as part of your work? 
Do you want to reach the end of your workday with a voice as fresh and healthy as at the beginning of a day?
Would you like to sound more assertive and confident when conversing with  customers  or in staff meetings? 
Have you always wanted to sing or speak but didn't dare to make your voice heard in a group?
Finally, have you ever wondered what the power of your personal voice is in the workplace?

As human beings we are wired for life in a group. It is part of the DNA that we carry in our bodies to ensure our continued existence on Earth. It begins with our birth into our nuclear family. As babies we need our parents to ensure our physical and mental well-being. Later, we conduct ourselves in groups in kindergarten, elementary school, high school and during the army service (in Israel) . Most of us will start our own families (also a kind of group) and continue our social and group lives in our workplaces.

I believe that to achieve optimal results at work - every person must bring his voice to the group. Our voice reflects who we are. Throughout life, we are taught many things – but we are not usually taught to speak or sing. We are expected to develop this naturally by imitating the people close to us. This is why more and more people discover at the end of a day that their "voice is gone" (physically) or alternatively, that they must "find their own voice" (emotionally).
In the workshop we will try to find the balance between our personal voice and our group voice. We will recall our basic nature and learn how to use our voice in a beneficial and healthy way over time.


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Bat El Haliba-Massoud / New teacher and kindergarten facilitator at the Pisga Eilat Center:

This is the second year in which the new teachers in Eilat enjoy a "Keeping the Voice" meeting with Ofri Eliaz. The meetings are delivered in a very pleasant, professional and practical manner to the population of educators. The sessions are very instructive and meaningful. The teachers learn methods for producing a voice without hoarseness and they practice proper use of voice in speech and singing. In addition, participants receive breathing exercises sheet instructions for daily practice at home and in the classroom. A huge thank you to dear Ofri.

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In an experiential and practical way we will learn:

 How our voice influences the group and our emotions

  What is open body language and how can it help us in front of people

 How to speak correctly and over time without hoarseness 

Understanding the different components of the voice and what the Holy Trinity is

How to speak properly and for a long time without being hoarse

Singing in a group - and how it reflects on teamwork 

What tricks do singers and actors use to feel confident before going on stage

What is muscular memory and how to develop it

Why babies breathe correctly- but adult people often lose this ability

Ofari Eliaz, singer and creator

Let's keep the voice

Phone: 050-7992285

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